Friday, July 2, 2010

Mayu's Lineage 2 Subclass Skills Guide Review

I was recently looking for tips on what subclasses to take for my Lineage 2 character so I could take advantage of the subclass certification system in the best possible way. I came across Mayu's Lineage 2 Universe website after browsing through some forums and reading people's opinions on subclass skills, but there were too many contradictory ones that only got me more confused.

Mayu's website has an article on the basics of subclass skills certification with exact effects. I haven't seen such a detailed article on subclass skills anywhere else, with exact effects for each skill. There was also a guide called Optimal Lineage 2 Subclass Skills for Each Class which caught my attention and that's what I'm going to discuss with you here.

So I checked out the guide's details and it claims that it provides subclass skills combos for all the classes in the game. What's interesting is that it even offers 5 different combinations for different gameplay like PvP, Oly, leveling and some other. It costs just $17 which is really nothing when I think about all the money I spent on buying Adena (yes, I admit I did that) back when I played on retail 2 years ago and then all the donations I gave to a few of the private servers I tried.

So I went on and ordered it (you pay directly through PayPal, which is rather nice), and after paying it sent me to a page asking for my email and name so I could receive any future updates of the guide (yay), then it opened up a page with my download link.

The guide is simply a PDF file (a document with text and images for those of you who don't know). The benefit of this is that it's easy to read and navigate, with a handy Table of Contents at the beginning which can be used to jump to any section of the guide by clicking onto the links there.

Anyway, apart from the class I was interested in, I wanted to help a friend of mine with her choice of subclass skills (she already had 2 subclasses). Before I did that I followed the introduction and the tips provided there. It has a lot of tips on how the different skills work and combine with each other, what is useful for different classes in general and some other things. All in all, very useful information, especially for the less experienced with subclass skills as myself.

I wanted to jump right down to what interested me though and so navigated to the classes I wanted to get precise subclass skills suggestions for. There is a single page for each of the 34 classes (I haven't counted them myself though) in the game, with a colored table providing the different combinations. In addition, at the top of each page, there are suggested skills to take for PvP and PvE from all subclass categories, in case you already have subclasses as my friend did. Really handy.

The actual combinations themselves are simple to follow - they tell you the exact subclass categories to go for and the Emergent, Master and Class-specific abilities you should take. The combos are:
  • Open PvP (mostly sieges come to mind, but I guess bigger clan wars as well)
  • PvE (hunting, leveling, etc. ... raids too I suppose)
  • Olympiad (the thing I was particularly interested in)
  • Balanced (from what I could see this offers skills to help you in both PvP and PvE)
  • Interchangeable (this looks similar to the balanced combo, but there's a benefit in that you can change between a PvP and PvE build without canceling your subclasses and it's just 10kk adena to do it
Obviously there's enough to please anyone or so it seems. At least I can't think of any other situation in the game that's not covered by these subclass skills...

So far my friend has taken the suggested subclass skills and is really happy how it works for him. I'm yet to level up my own subclasses high enough to try the full combination, but judging by the effects of the skills (explained in the article on Mayu's site) I can see the idea behind the combos in the guide and they make sense to me.

Perhaps the only downside to the guide is that it focuses completely on subclass skills and treats your subclasses with only that purpose in mind. I ignores the benefits of helping your clan by having a certain subclass or letting you choose what you enjoy playing instead of what's efficient. Then again, it's mostly for those who want to improve their character's main class and not really play subs.

Besides, each subclass category (warrior, rogue, enchanter, etc.) offers a variety in classes you can take, so there's still some choice left. With the suggested skills you can take for your existing subclasses as well, it all fits nicely no matter your situation or experience.

I honestly suggest Mayu's Optimal Lineage2 Subclass Skills for Each Class Guide to anyone who is willing to improve the efficiency of their main class, regardless if they already have subclasses taken or are still wondering what to take. For just 17 dollars it provides solid data and information based on the author's and his partners tests and experience. So far me and my friend haven't been disappointed.

Visit the Optimal Lineage 2 Subclass Skills Guide Now

P.S. BTW, you can make money by referring people to the guide's page and you only need a PayPal account to do that. There's an Affiliate Program page on the site, just look for it for more details. You could easily earn back the money you spent on the guide and make a lot of money on top of that.